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The Board has a full fledged laboratory, operating on the 4th floor of Dempo Towers having a built up area of about 311.86 sq.mts. The laboratory is well equipped with instruments and equipments needed for carrying out analysis of water, air and soil samples of industrial effluents, rivers, wells, etc for chemical, physical and bacteriological parameters including trace and toxic metals, pesticides and organic components. The Board laboratory is MoEF and NABL accredited and follows the procedures and guidelines in accordance with the said accreditations. The laboratory conducts periodical Internal Audits and External Audits of the Board Laboratory processes through NABL approved Auditors. Assessment of the Board laboratory is also conducted every two years under ISO: 17025 and every five years under MoEF requirement.

The Board has set up 16 ambient air quality monitoring stations and 52 water quality monitoring stations under the Central Pollution Control Board sponsored projects National Air Monitoring Programme (NAMP) and National Water Monitoring Programme (NWMP). Of the 16 air stations, 13 are outsourced to MoEF approved laboratories and 3 are operated by the GSPCB. The 52 NWMP stations are all managed by GSPCB. These stations are monitored at defined intervals and the samples collected are analysed at the Board laboratory for physical, chemical, metals, pesticides and microbiological parameters. The Board has two mobile laboratories which are being used during NAMP and NWMP monitoring programmes throughout the year.

During the year under report the Board laboratory collected 1,375 water samples from various sources such as ETP, STP, mine discharge (settling pond, mining pit, etc.), river water, well water, canal water, etc. and analyzed the same for various parameters. Also, a number of complaints regarding dust pollution have been attended to by the laboratory and have conducted ambient air quality monitoring programmes. A number of Stack emission Monitoring programmes have also been conducted during the year.


The Technical Section handles the consent management. The industries, hazardous waste handling facilities, health care facilities, municipal solid waste facilities, etc. are inspected and monitored on regular basis. The inspection reports and analysis reports are put up online through XGN software which are scrutinized by the Technical Committee and subsequently approved by the Chairman upon which consents under the relevant acts and rules are issued. During the year under report, 1431 consents have been granted for operation and establishment of the above facilities under the Water and Air Acts, Hazardous Waste Rules, Bio-Medical Rules, Municipal Solid Waste Rules.

Besides, periodic inspections to monitor red category industries are also conducted to check the compliance by the units. Samples of waste water, ambient air and stack emissions are monitored and analyzed in the Board laboratory.

Additionally, inspections in response to public complaints are also conducted as and when required after initially scrutinizing the complaints through the

Complaint Committee The complaints are monitored by inspection, samples are collected and analysed where required and action deemed fit is initiated if required.


The Legal section handles all the legal / Court matters related to the functions of the Board. The matters are filed before the Honrable Supreme Court, the Hon’ble High Court, the National Green Tribunal, the Administrative Tribunal the Appellate Authority under the Air Act and the Water Act and other lower courts.

The Personal hearings for industries, Public Hearing and matters related to

Right to Information Act are also looked after by this Section.

Complaints are scrutinized and examined by the legal section before initiating action in the matter. Notices/directions/clarifications are issued to the defaulting units under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 i.e Municipal Solid Waste Rules, Hazardous Wastes Rules, Bio-Medical Rules, E- Waste management Rules, Noise Pollution Rules etc. whenever required to seek compliance for the defaultings.


The Administrative Section deals with all the administrative matters of the Board such as service matters of the staff which includes creation of posts, appointments, promotions, leave, tours, stores, calculation of retirement benefits of the employees, etc. Preparation of agenda and minutes for the Board meetings and subsequent follow up for the implementation of the decisions taken herein for smooth functioning of the Board.

The Accounts section of the Board deals with all the accounting and financial matters of the Board such as monitoring of Revenue and Expenditures, preparation of Annual Budget, processing of all files where in financial implications are involved. Advices the Board on financial matters in accordance with the Government Rules and Procedures for smooth functioning. Conduct periodical Audit of the Board Accounts through a Registered Chatered Accountant nominated by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAAG).

IT Section
The Information and Technology section provides service to Industry in Online Registration for obtaining various Consents and Authorizations though Online Portal. The entire Board e-governance activities, support for Hardware and Software Infrastructure and troubleshooting are managed and executed successfully by IT Department. The implementation of Office Automation System by SAP Enterprise Resource Planning for the paperless office is achieved by the Board.

For data prior to june 2023 click ARCHIVE